The Importance of Safely Working with Asbestos in Sydney

Safely Working with Asbestos in Sydney Ensuring Safety: Working with Asbestos in Sydney, NSW – A Guide by Hazardous Removal CompanySydney, with its vibrant culture and diverse architecture, holds a rich history that is reflected in its buildings. However, many structures in the city may contain asbestos, posing potential health risks. Hazardous Removal Company, a […]
The Importance of Asbestos Registers in Sydney & NSW

Navigating the Importance of Asbestos Registers in Sydney & NSW Asbestos, once extensively used in construction, poses a significant health risk when its fibres are released into the air. To ensure the safety of occupants and workers, stringent regulations govern asbestos management, and one key element of compliance in New South Wales (NSW) is the […]
What are Asbestos Removal Control Plans (ARCP)

What are Asbestos Removal Control Plans (ARCP) What are Asbestos Removal Control Plans (ARCP)In the realm of asbestos removal, meticulous planning is paramount to ensure the safety of workers, occupants, and the environment. One integral component of this planning process is the Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCP). In this article, we delve into the significance […]
How Does Asbestos Sample Testing Work

The Science Behind Asbestos Identification Ensuring a safe environment begins with proper Identification of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) At Hazardous Removal Company, we take pride in offering a meticulous asbestos identification process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through our step-by-step approach to asbestos sample analysis, providing clarity on the methods used and the […]
Unveiling the Mystery: How to Confirm Asbestos Presence

How To Know If The Material In Fact Contains Asbestos Understanding whether a material contains asbestos is crucial for maintaining a safe living environment. Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral, was widely used in construction materials due to its fire-resistant and durable properties. However, its potential health hazards have led to increased awareness and the need […]
Why Was Asbestos Banned In Australia?

Why Was Asbestos Banned in Australia? There is no known safe level of exposure to asbestos. Asbestos contains fibres that can cause life-threatening health conditions if you breathe them in. Australia had one of the highest rates of asbestos use per person in the world until the 1980s. We imported 1.5 million tonnes of asbestos […]
When was Asbestos Banned in Australia?

When Was Asbestos Banned In Australia? Australia phased out asbestos usage starting in the 1980s and implemented a complete ban on its use, sale, or import in 2003. Although asbestos was used in over 3000 products, including construction materials and vehicles, its ban has been crucial due to associated health risks. Numerous homes and buildings […]
The Asbestos Industry’s Origins

The Asbestos Industry’s Origins In the 1880s, the modern asbestos industry emerged without an understanding of asbestos-related diseases. Asbestos was considered a safe commodity, preventing fires in wooden buildings. The dangers of dust were known, yet dust control in workplaces remained inadequate, resulting in fibroses like asbestosis. Asbestosis, diagnosed in British factory workers in 1900, […]
Brief History of Asbestos In Australia

Brief History of Asbestos In Australia Asbestos usage in Australia dates back to the 1880s. Over the following century, it became extensively mined, manufactured, and utilized nationwide. The industry initially regarded dust exposure as a normal occupational risk. However, the lethal nature of asbestos dust soon took its toll on those exposed. The initial wave […]
Where Asbestos Can Be found in Your House or Business

How to choose an Asbestos removal company and why choose HRC At Hazardous Removal Company, our thorough inspection of your home or business aims to pinpoint potential asbestos hazards. To determine the presence of asbestos, we may collect samples for testing. Here are Common locations where asbestos may be found: 1. Eaves and Gable Ends […]